
Learn our process

Behavioral Nutrition, Inc. is a licensed Treatment Facility founded to treat all Eating Disorders with proven behavioral approaches and nutritional therapy to support recovery from anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, compulsive-overeating and night eating disorder. Our philosophy combines the field of psychiatry, psychology, counseling and nutrition to address all aspect of disordered eating.

At Behavioral Nutrition we work with you individually to assess emotional eating habits and food cravings and help you learn how to develop a new relationship with food.

Goals of Group Counseling sessions:

1. Provide behavioral modification techniques to treat disordered eating habits.

2. Develop Programs tailored to each client’s food preferences, lifestyle, and metabolic needs, promoting healthy, satisfying eating.

3. Provided psycho-educational support system around how to cope with triggers to restrict or binge and cravings.

Goals of Individual Behavioral Therapy sessions:

1. Provides Individual counseling to alleviate associated mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, obessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as well as fears and food related phobias.

2. Provides Psychotropic medication assessment and management for eating disorders and related comorbid mental health disorders.

3. Utilizes specialized behavioral and nutritional strategies to treat the malnutrition associated symptoms.

*Behavioral Nutrition also provides customized support services for Families.*