
The glucose-a type of sugar produced from the digestion of foods we consume is needed to provide energy to cells throughout the body. Sugars are digested into glucose, which get absorbed into your bloodstream to fuel your energy levels. Blood glucose levels normally rise after eating a meal so it’s important to make sure you’re eating healthy foods to give your body the energy it needs.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. It allows cells to absorb glucose from the blood to be used for energy. When you have insulin resistance, your body’s cells are resistant to the action of insulin. In turn, high levels of glucose stay in your blood.

Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is known to influence insulin secretion. Insulin secretion is also known to influence the hormone Ghrelin. There are specific foods that trigger an insulin response, and also trigger the hormone ghrelin- this does not mean these foods need to be avoided. Pairing these foods with protein or healthy fats helps slow the absorption of these foods, which enables blood sugar to stay stable, and in turn helps keep insulin and ghrelin levels stable as well.

Being able to manage hunger can help treat Binge Eating Disorder and other disordered eating patterns that can lead to serious problems. Meet with a Registered Dietitian to learn more about how to maintain your blood sugar levels, which helps regulate insulin secretion, and in turn can help regulate ghrelin and hunger.

Behavioral Therapy Services

Behavioral Therapy is aimed to help patients understand how their eating habits and behaviors affect their overall health. Many destructive behaviors, like binge eating, can be avoided if we put ourselves in a position to make healthier eating choices.

Our behavioral therapists work with patients to identify areas of their diet that could be improved and introduce health alternatives that can be added to their diet and enjoyed. We work on developing custom nutrition plans for each one of our patients so they can start practicing healthy eating habits that are sustainable. Contact us today to learn more about how Behavioral Therapy from Behavioral Nutrition can help you improve your diet and lead a healthier lifestyle.