According to CNN, alcoholic beverage sales shot up to 55% in the third week of March as millions of Americans are staying home and drinking alcohol to pass time. The growth in sales peaked as more states issued stay-at-home orders due to the COVID-19 crisis. Drinking alcohol gives many individuals something to do while they’re bored at home and is often used as a way to cope with the stress and uncertainty being felt right now.
Making sure you’re mindful of your drinking habits and not allowing them to affect healthy eating habits is essential during this difficult time. It’s best to keep in mind that alcohol should be consumed in moderation only. Binge drinking often leads to complicated health issues and is something that should be avoided.
What is considered alcohol in moderation?
- One drink/day for women
- Up to two drinks/day for men
What is heavy alcohol drinking?
- 4 or more drinks on any day or 8 or more drinks per week for women
- 5 or more drinks on any day or 15 or more drinks per week for men
What is binge drinking?
- 4 or more drinks for women in one sitting (about 2 hours)
- 5 or more drinks for men in one sitting (about 2 hours)
What is one drink?
- 12 ounces of beer
- 8-9 ounces of malt liquor
- 5 ounces of wine
- 1.5 ounces, or a “shot,” of 80-proof distilled spirits (liquor)
Alcohol is a depressant, which may worsen depression. Try to limit your alcohol intake and maintain your wellbeing by distracting yourself with:
- Favorite movie
- Baking or cooking your favorite meal
- Music
- Going for a walk and getting some fresh air
- Bike ride on a sunny day
- Board games
- Video or Facetime a close friend or family member
- Read a book
- If you’re not a fan of reading, try reading self help books as they may be more interesting
- Learn a new hobby (i.e., knitting)
- Yoga
- Craft project
- Spring cleaning
- Start an indoor garden
- Bubble bath with a face mask
Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral therapy services from Behavioral Nutrition can help you keep control of your drinking habits and stay healthy during quarantine. Our behavioral therapists are trained to offer support via telehealth that give support to those who are struggling and need someone to talk to. We understand that the current crisis presents a unique situation that many individuals aren’t ready to cope with and can lead to an unhealthy diet. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how behavioral therapy can help you stay healthy while you’re at home.